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MHOPS September Zoom Meeting

We will have our September MHOPS meeting this Wednesday 9/28 at 6:30pm Pacific Time. The Zoom link is below.

This month, our very own Dana Gunter will give a 20-minute talk on Exercise As a Modifiable Risk Factor for Heart Disease. Dana will talk about how much exercise we should be doing, at what intensity and length, and the different types of exercise. This will be followed by our support group time. Please join us!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 8303 8318
Passcode: 500155
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,84183038318# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,84183038318# US (San Jose)

August 31

MHOPS August Meeting

October 26

MHOPS October Meeting